Poor Oral Health: 5 Ways Neglecting Teeth Impacts Your Smile

Oral health is crucial for maintaining a beautiful smile and overall well-being. Neglecting your teeth can have serious consequences that affect your oral health and impact your smile. As the best Redmond dentist, Dr. Kunal Narang at Sunrise Dental of Redmond emphasizes the importance of regular dental care to prevent dental issues and preserve your smile for years to come.

Neglecting Oral Health: What People Do

oral health

Many people unintentionally neglect their oral health due to various reasons. Busy lifestyles, lack of awareness, fear of dental visits, or simply forgetting to prioritize oral care can all lead to neglect. Some common habits that people do that can impact their dental health include:

  • Irregular brushing and flossing: Skipping or rushing through brushing and flossing can leave behind plaque and bacteria, leading to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.
  • Poor diet choices: Consuming sugary foods and beverages, excessive snacking, and neglecting a balanced diet can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Tobacco and alcohol use: Smoking or using tobacco products and excessive alcohol consumption can cause staining, bad breath, gum disease, and even oral cancer.
  • Ignoring dental visits: Avoiding routine dental check-ups and cleanings can allow dental problems to progress unnoticed, leading to more serious issues and costly treatments in the future.
  • Using teeth as tools: Using teeth to open packages, bite nails, or perform other tasks can cause cracks, chips, and other dental damage.

Consequences of Neglecting Oral Health

When we neglect our oral health, it can lead to various problems that negatively affect our smiles. Here are five consequences of poor oral health:

#1 – Tooth Decay

Neglecting regular brushing and flossing can lead to plaque buildup, which erodes tooth enamel and causes cavities. If left untreated, tooth decay can progress and result in tooth loss, affecting your smile’s aesthetics and functionality.

#2 – Gum Disease

Poor oral hygiene can also lead to gum disease, which is caused by bacterial infection in the gums. Gum disease can cause gums to become red, swollen, and bleed, leading to bad breath, receding gums, and even tooth loss. Advanced gum disease can result in significant damage to the supporting structures of the teeth, leading to an unattractive smile.

#3 – Stained and Discolored Teeth

Neglecting oral hygiene can cause staining and discoloration of teeth. Consuming dark-colored foods and beverages, tobacco use, and poor oral hygiene practices can result in unsightly stains on your teeth, affecting the brightness and whiteness of your smile.

#4 – Bad Breath

Poor oral health can also result in persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis. The buildup of food particles, plaque, and bacteria in the mouth can lead to foul-smelling breath, which can be embarrassing and affect your confidence in social situations.

#5 – Tooth Loss

Neglecting oral health can ultimately lead to tooth loss, which can have a significant impact on your smile. Missing teeth can affect your ability to speak and chew properly, and it can also cause your remaining teeth to shift, leading to misaligned teeth and an uneven smile.

Importance of Oral Health Habits

Maintaining good oral health habits is crucial for preventing dental issues and preserving a healthy and beautiful smile. Regular brushing and flossing, along with routine dental visits, can help remove plaque and bacteria, prevent cavities and gum disease, and maintain fresh breath.

A healthy diet that is low in sugary foods and beverages can also contribute to good oral health. Avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol use can reduce the risk of staining, bad breath, and oral cancer. Using teeth only for their intended purpose and avoiding harmful habits like nail-biting or using teeth as tools can help prevent dental damage.

It’s Not Too Late to Prioritize Oral Health

Even if you have neglected your oral health in the past, it’s never too late to start prioritizing it. Taking steps to improve your oral hygiene routine can make positively affect your smile. These may include making healthier diet choices, quitting tobacco or alcohol use, and scheduling regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist can provide personalized advice and treatment plans to address any existing dental issues and help you restore your oral health.

Choose Sunrise Dental of Redmond for Quality Dental Care

When it comes to prioritizing your oral health, choosing the right dental care provider is crucial. Sunrise Dental of Redmond, led by Dr. Kunal Narang is committed to providing quality dental care in Redmond, WA, and surrounding areas.

With a patient-centered approach, state-of-the-art technology, and a skilled team of dental professionals, we a wide range of services. These include preventive care, restorative dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry in Redmond, WA. Whether you need a routine dental check-up, a dental cleaning, or advanced dental treatments, Sunrise Dental of Redmond is dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.

Contact Us Today

oral health

Neglecting your oral health can have serious consequences on your smile and overall well-being. Poor oral health habits can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, tooth loss, and cosmetic issues. However, it’s never too late to start prioritizing your oral health.

Choose Sunrise Dental of Redmond for quality dental care in Redmond, WA. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a healthy and beautiful smile.

How to Prevent Gum Disease After Dental Implant Surgery

Dental technology has come a long way, and implants are a testament to that. Lucky for you, Dr. Kunal Narang at Sunrise Dental is a Dental implants specialist in Redmond with years of experience to help guide you through this procedure.  And while gum disease is often an impetus for the need for implants, it may also hinder one’s candidacy for it.

Additionally, there is a risk of developing gum disease when receiving implants, as the gum tissue may have difficulty healing around them. This is why it is important for individuals who are considering dental implants to be aware of gum health and make sure that they practice proper oral hygiene to reduce their risk of gum disease.

Science Behind Dental Implants

In order to understand how you can prevent the development of gum disease with dental implants, it is important to know a bit about the science behind them. A dental implant is essentially a titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jawbone. It has three important components, namely: fixture, abutment, and crown.

The fixture or screw is a post made from titanium or zirconium. It takes the place of the tooth’s root, the part of the tooth that is below the gum line. The fixture will be implanted directly into the gum tissue and jawbone, integrating with both tissues and becoming a permanent part of the mouth.

The abutment is an attachment between the gum tissue and the fixture that helps to support the restorative tooth or teeth. It resembles a cylinder and is what holds the restoration in place.

The crown is a porcelain or ceramic cap that looks exactly like a real tooth. It acts as the replacement tooth, the part of the tooth that is visible when we smile. Aside from a crown, if you’re missing multiple teeth, the fixture can also hold a dental bridge or denture.


Installing the fixture or titanium post is the first step in the implant process. This requires a local anesthetic and will last anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. Once the titanium post is in place, the gum tissue will be allowed to heal for a few months. This stage is called osseointegration.

Once osseointegration is complete and the gum tissue has healed, the abutment and crown will be installed. This is generally a quick process that takes only one or two appointments. During this process, the gum tissue is gently separated from the fixture to make room for the abutment and crown.

gum disease

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an inflammatory condition of the gum tissue. Since your gums provide a seal around each tooth, not being able to keep your oral health in check can lead to certain issues. For instance, bacteria left to grow between each tooth can cause gum disease.

The common symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Gum recession (swelling, soreness, and tenderness)
  • Bad breath
  • Dry mouth
  • Tooth sensitivity or pain when chewing
  • Loose teeth

Untreated gum disease can eventually lead to tooth loss. Worst case scenario, periodontal disease can lead to damage in the gum tissue and jaw bones, as well as other systemic health problems. Since dental implant surgery poses a risk of gum disease, it is important for patients to practice preventive care after their implant procedure.

gum disease

How to Prevent Gum Disease after Dental Implants

Every dental procedure comes with risks. When it comes to dental implants, one of the risks you need to know is the occurrence of peri-implantitis.

Peri-implantitis is a gum disease that affects the gum tissue surrounding a dental implant. It is caused by plaque and bacteria buildup around the implant area, where the aforementioned symptoms can be present. The worst-case scenario of gum disease is for it to cause the implant to get loose or fail completely.

Below are some of the best practices to prevent gum disease around dental implants:

  • Clean the area regularly – Brush your teeth twice a day and floss around the implant daily. Make sure to be gentle when flossing around the gum line.
  • Visit your dentist as scheduled – Make sure to keep up with your regular dental visits after your dental implant procedure. Your dentist will be able to check the gum tissue around the implants and make sure that everything is healthy.
  • Take prescribed medications – If gum disease does develop around the implant, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics or antimicrobials to help treat it. Be sure to take the medications as directed and finish the entire course of treatment.
  • Quit smoking – Smoking can increase the risk of periodontal disease. Quitting smoking or using tobacco products can help prevent periodontal disease and keep your implants healthy.
  • Eat a healthy diet – Eating a balanced diet that consists of foods low in sugar and acid can help keep gum disease at bay.

Best Dental Implants Surgeon in Redmond, WA

Another effective safeguard against developing gum disease after dental implant surgery is choosing the right dentist. Sunrise Dental of Redmond offers the best dental implant specialist in the area who can make sure that your implant procedure is successful.

Our team at Sunrise Dental are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality care and making sure that their implant procedure is performed safely. If you have any questions about periodontal disease and dental implants, contact us to schedule an appointment today!

How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene with Dental Implants

Dental implants have proven themselves as a reliable and safe form of teeth restoration. So, if you’re thinking of starting your journey with an implant or two, our dental implants specialist in Redmond WA wants you to understand a few things about oral hygiene and maintaining your dental work.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

oral hygiene

If you had not already read about dental implants, it is essential to understand what they are. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically placed into the jawbone. The implant fuses with the bone, and a connector is placed on top of the implant. This connector holds a dental prosthetic like a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

A patient can have more than one implant. The number of implants required depends on the type of dental prosthetic being placed and the condition of the jawbone. Placing it can take anywhere between six to nine months since the implant needs to integrate with the bone.

Implants are popular because they are the only form of teeth restoration that replaces the tooth root. This helps to preserve the jawbone and prevents it from deteriorating. It also gives implants stability, so they feel and function like natural teeth.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene with Dental Implants

The oral hygiene requirements for dental implants are no different from natural teeth. Below are some oral hygiene tips for maintaining your oral health if you have dental implants:

Brush twice a day, for two minutes at a time.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends every individual to brush twice a day for optimal oral hygiene. This should include brushing the implants, just like your other teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging your teeth’s enamel as well as the crown or denture attached to your implant.

Floss once a day.

Flossing is just as important for dental implants as it is for your natural teeth. Gently floss between your teeth and around the dental prosthetic to remove food particles and oral bacteria. If it is difficult for you to floss, consider using a water flosser. A water flosser uses a stream of pulsating water to help flush away oral bacteria and food particles.

Do not use alcohol-based products.

Alcohol-based oral rinses, mouthwashes, and toothpaste can be too harsh for oral implants. It can damage the dental prosthetic, making it less durable. To be safe, opt for oral products that are alcohol-free. You can also ask our dental implants specialist in Redmond WA for the most recommended products.

Choose low-abrasive toothpaste.

When brushing your teeth, use low-abrasive toothpaste. Abrasive toothpaste can wear down the enamel on your natural teeth, and the crown or denture attached to the implant. Low-abrasive toothpaste is gentler and will help preserve your oral health.

oral hygiene

Visit your dentist regularly.

It is always a good idea to visit your oral health care provider at least twice a year for check-ups and cleaning. This is to ensure oral problems are detected early on and prevent them from worsening. Plus, if you have an implant, they will check for the stability and health of the implant to avoid oral complications.

Stop bad oral habits that can damage your teeth and implant.

Habits such as smoking, chewing ice, using teeth as tools, and grinding your teeth can damage or wear down dental prosthetics. So if you do have any habits that may be detrimental to oral health, it is best to stop them.

Eat a balanced diet.

Having a balanced diet is crucial for oral health with or without implants. Eating healthy foods provides your oral tissues and teeth with the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Avoid sugary, sticky, and acidic foods that can damage oral tissue and erode tooth enamel.

Why You Need to Take Care of Your Oral Health with Dental Implants

While it’s important to take good care of your mouth and teeth with or without implants, this dental work can still get affected by oral health problems such as gingivitis, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. For instance, inflammation can cause the stability of your implant to become problematic. This is called peri-implantitis.

Peri-implantitis happens when you catch periodontitis near the implant. It can cause the soft and hard tissues around it to become inflamed and irritated. So, if you have implants, make sure to maintain oral hygiene to prevent oral problems like this one from occurring.

Consult a Dental Implants Specialist – Redmond WA


Sunrise Dental is the best oral health care provider offering dental implant services to patients in Redmond, Washington, and the surrounding areas. Our dentists specialize in delivering high-quality restorative procedures and appliances, including dental implants.

Dr. Kunal Narang has been working diligently for years and has successfully placed numerous implants. We use the latest technology available to ensure that every procedure is done quickly, efficiently, and with as little discomfort as possible. We also offer an all-on-four dental implant procedure for patients with multiple missing teeth.

Contact Sunrise Dental of Redmond today to know how you can take better care of your oral health with dental implants. You can also visit our website to schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

6 Soft Foods You Can Eat After a Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are a great way for patients to restore their smiles and teeth strength. They involve a dental implants specialist in Redmond, WA, or other areas surgically placing a titanium post into the jawbone, which is then used to secure an artificial tooth or bridge. After implant surgery, soft foods can be consumed while the area heals.

There are many soft food options that can provide vital nutrients while still being gentle on tender gums and teeth. Knowing them can help make the recovery process easier and more enjoyable. But first, let’s talk about why it is important to take care of the implant area after surgery.

Importance of Taking Care of Implant Area After Surgery

Soft Foods

Placing a dental implant into the jawbone is considered major surgery. It takes about three to six months for the post to fully integrate into the bone. It’s only then that a crown or dentures can be secured.

After implant surgery, it is important to take special care of the area while it heals. Surgery areas are at risk of infection, and putting unnecessary pressure on them can cause damage. This means soft foods, avoiding certain activities and ingredients, and using soft bristles on a toothbrush.

6 Soft Foods You Can Eat After a Dental Implant Surgery

1. Soups & Creams

Soups and cream-based soups such as cream of broccoli, cream of mushroom, and potato leek are soft foods that provide nutrients while also being gentle on the implant site. Noodle soups, vegetable soups, and bisques are other soft food options. These are tasty and nutritious yet easy to cook and soft for recovering dental implant patients. You can also add soft vegetables and proteins such as fish to soups for a heartier meal.

2. Yogurt & Smoothies

Yogurt is soft and easy to swallow, making it a good soft food for dental implant patients. Greek yogurt provides the most benefits as it is high in protein and low in sugar. It can also be customized with soft fruits, nuts, and granola for more texture and flavor. You can also choose fruit or vegetable smoothies as soft foods. Make sure to only use soft fruits, such as bananas and apples.

Soft Foods

3. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are soft, flavorful, and comforting. They provide plenty of nutrients that can help with the healing process. You can add soft proteins such as soft cheese for flavor and texture or top the mashed potatoes with soft vegetables.

4. Macaroni and Cheese

This classic comfort food is soft, cheesy, and flavorful. Choosing to eat this can prevent patients from becoming bored of other soft foods.

5. Well-Cooked Vegetables

Cooked soft vegetables such as spinach, carrots, and zucchini are soft enough to be eaten without putting too much pressure on the implant site. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals for the healing process. Make sure to cook them thoroughly so no hard pieces remain.

6. Scrambled and Poached Eggs

Eggs are soft and full of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, calcium, and protein. They are also soft and easy to chew, making them a good soft food for dental implant patients.

Other Tips in Taking Care of Implant Site

It is important to talk with your dentist or implant specialist Redmond WA or other areas about taking care of the implant site and what soft foods you can eat. Your dentist will be able to provide advice on soft foods and oral care techniques that fit your needs.

dental implants specialist Redmond WA

Additionally, here are helpful ways to avoid pressure on the implant site and promote healing:

  • Use soft bristles on a toothbrush.
  • Avoid eating hard crunchy foods such as nuts, chips, and popcorn.
  • Avoid using a straw.
  • Chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
  • Use an antimicrobial mouth rinse or warm water and salt solution.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Visit the dentist 14 days after surgery for a check-up.

Consult a Dental Implants Specialist Redmond WA

The best way to determine the best way to take care of a dental implant surgical area is get treatment from a trusted dentist. Dr. Kunal Narang of the Sunrise Dental of Redmond is one of the most experienced dental surgeons in the area.

Dr Narang has been working diligently for years and has successfully placed numerous implants. We use the latest technology available to ensure that every procedure is done quickly, efficiently, and with as little discomfort as possible. If you’re missing multiple teeth, we also provide the revolutionary all-on-four dental implant procedure.

If you want to have a safe and comfortable dental implant surgery depending on your case, schedule a consultation with Dr. Narang in Redmond and discuss your questions and concerns. You can also contact us or visit our website to learn more.

What’s A Sinus Lift and How Does it Affect Dental Implants?

Missing a tooth or multiple teeth is not only embarrassing, but it can also make talking and eating difficult. For people suffering from severe dental loss, dental implants may be the perfect solution. Implants, compared to other treatments for missing teeth, are permanent and more secure. A dental implants specialist Redmond WA may recommend a sinus lift if you are looking for dental implants.

Before dental implants can be placed, a dental specialist first has to check the quality and quantity of the jawbone to ensure it can support dental implants. If there isn’t enough healthy bone, a sinus lift may be necessary.

What is a Sinus Lift?

A sinus lift is a dental procedure that increases the amount of bone in the upper jaw before dental implants can be placed. It involves elevating the sinus floor and filling the empty space with bone graft material. This adds more bone so dental implants can be securely anchored into the jawbone.

As you consult a dental implants specialist Redmond WA, they may recommend a sinus lift if you are considering dental implants because the dental specialist needs to ensure that there is enough bone in your jawbone for dental implants to be securely placed.

Once the dental specialist is satisfied with the amount of bone after a sinus lift, dental implants can then be placed. The dental implants will look and feel like your natural teeth, allowing you to chew and talk with ease again.

What Causes Bone Loss?

Bone loss can be caused by several factors such as:

Periodontal gum disease

Gum disease is an infection of the gums that can lead to bone loss. When periodontal gum disease is severe, dental implants may not be able to be placed securely.

Losing teeth in your upper jaw

When a person is missing teeth in the upper jaw, it can cause bone loss because of how little use the upper jawbone has in comparison to the lower jaw.

Reabsorption of bone into the body after tooth loss

When a tooth loss, the body reabsorbs some of the bone as it will no longer be used for dental implants. This can be prevented by dental implants, as dental implants help to maintain the strength of the jawbone over time.

Sinus Lift Process

The sinus lift process begins with your dental specialist making an incision in the gum to expose the jawbone. Then, small holes are drilled into the jawbone to lift the sinus membrane. The dental specialist then fills this space with bone graft material and sutures the gum tissue back into place.

Once the dental specialist places the graft material in your jawbone, it may take up to six months for it to heal and for dental implants can be placed. During this time, your dental care provider will monitor the healing process and make sure that it is successful before dental implants can be placed.

What Happens After a Sinus Lift?

Once the dental specialist is satisfied with the amount of bone after a sinus lift, dental implants can then be placed. Your dentist or dental specialist might give you the following aftercare instructions:

  • Pain medicine
  • Saline spray for keeping your noise moist
  • Antibiotics to prevent infection
  • Soft food diet
  • Antimicrobial mouthwash to help prevent infection
  • Regular dental check-ups

Healing time for a sinus lift is about six months. During this time, dental implants cannot be placed until the dental specialist is satisfied with the amount of bone after a sinus lift. Once there is enough bone for dental implants, your dental specialist can then place dental implants and restore your smile.

Sinus Lift


Dental Implants Process

Once the dental specialist is satisfied with the amount of bone after a sinus lift, dental implants can be placed. Your dental specialist will place dental implants into the dental implants using local anesthesia. Then, abutments are placed on top of the dental implants and a dental crown is attached to restore the dental implant.

The dental implant process is typically completed in two or three appointments. Once dental implants are placed, you can enjoy the benefits of dental implants for years to come. Dental implants restore the look and feel of natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Consult a Dental Implants Specialist Redmond WA

Placing dental implants is considered a major dental procedure. To ensure you receive the best treatment possible, it’s important to consult with a trusted and experienced Redmond dentist who specializes in dental implants. By doing so, you can rest assured that your dental needs will be evaluated appropriately and that you will receive the best treatment plan for dental implant placement.

At Sunrise Dental of Redmond, Dr. Kunal Narang is our dental implants specialist Redmond WA. Dr. Narang is an internationally trained and highly specialized cosmetic and implant dentist in Redmond. He has over a decade of experience in general, cosmetic, emergency and implant dentistry. He offers dental implant services that are tailored to the individual needs of each patient, helping them achieve beautiful and lasting dental implants results.

If you are looking to regain your dental health and smile with dental implants, contact Sunrise Dental of Redmond today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve the dental implants results of your dreams!

Cost of Invisalign Redmond WA: How Much Will I Pay?

Invisalign is the most popular alternative to braces if you are looking for a more discreet way to straighten your teeth. This treatment uses clear aligners that you wear over your teeth for two weeks for each set, gradually moving your teeth into position. While it’s an undoubtedly efficient treatment, many are concerned about the cost of Invisalign Redmond WA, or its cost in general.

When it comes to cost, the general price ranges from $3,500 to $8,000. This is almost within the price range of metal or ceramic braces. But, the general cost is not everything there is to know. You need to consider other cost factors as well.

Here are five factors that you need to take into account when considering the cost of Invisalign Redmond WA:

#1 – How severe is your case?

Misalignment cases are categorized into three levels: mild, moderate, and severe. The cost of Invisalign Redmond WA will largely depend on how severe your case is. A mild case usually needs 14 to 18 aligners while a moderate case may need 22 to 26. A severe misalignment case, on the other hand, could need 30 or more.

The cost will also be higher if you need to undergo treatments before Invisalign, such as tooth contouring or opening up of your bite. If your doctor recommends surgery, it may be more cost-effective to just go for braces instead.

#2 – Does your insurance cover Invisalign treatment?

While Invisalign and other orthodontic treatments are highly necessary for oral health, not all insurance plans cover them. You will need to ask your provider if Invisalign cost Redmond WA is included in your plan.

Some companies offer a certain amount of coverage for orthodontic treatments. For example, they may cover up to 50% of the cost with a lifetime limit of $1,500. For some, orthodontic treatments like Invisalign are only covered if they have been recommended by your doctor as medically necessary.

Make sure to check with your insurance company before undergoing treatment so you can be aware of how much you need to pay out-of-pocket. You may also want to look for an orthodontic office that’s in-network with your insurance provider.

#3 – What is the payment plan offered by the orthodontist?

Not all orthodontists have the same payment plans. Some may offer a discount if you pay upfront while others have in-house financing with 0% interest. There are also third-party financing companies that offer flexible payment plans.

The best way to save on cost is to look for an orthodontist that offers a discount for upfront payment. But if you’re tight on cash, you can opt for in-house financing or third-party financing and just make sure to pay off your debt as soon as possible to avoid interest charges.

#4 – What are the included services in the cost of Invisalign Redmond WA?

The cost of Invisalign Redmond WA will also differ depending on the services included in the package. Some orthodontists include retainers, teeth whitening, and dental check-ups in their quoted price while others do not.

It’s important to ask your orthodontist what is included in the cost so you can compare apples to apples. You don’t want to be surprised with additional costs down the road. Ask them about the cost of retainers, as well. You will need to wear them after treatment to keep your teeth in place.

#5 – Are you compliant with the treatment plan?

In order for Invisalign to be effective, you need to wear the aligners as prescribed by your orthodontist. This means wearing them for at least 20 to 22 hours a day and changing them every two weeks.

If you’re not compliant with the treatment plan, you may need to wear the aligners for a longer period of time or get additional aligners, which will add to the cost. Make sure to follow your orthodontist’s instructions to avoid additional costs.

#6 – Is your orthodontist experienced in offering Invisalign?

While this question may not directly affect the cost, it’s still important to ask. An experienced orthodontist will be able to give you an accurate quote and treatment plan. They will also be able to spot potential complications early on and recommend the best course of action.

Don’t be afraid to ask your orthodontist about their experience with Invisalign. Getting the best treatment is the best thing that can assure you that your money is not going to waste.

Get the Most Out of the Cost of Invisalign Redmond WA by Choosing a Trusted Orthodontist

Cost of Invisalign Redmond WA

Invisalign cost Redmond WA will differ from one orthodontist to another. But cost should not be your only consideration when choosing an orthodontist. You also want to make sure that you’re getting the best possible treatment.

Dr. Kunal Narang, Dr. Neha Ahuja, and Dr. Dina Al-Bassyiouni of Sunrise Dental of Redmond are esteemed dentists who are certified and experienced to provide Invisalign treatment. With our team of doctors at Sunrise Dental, you can be assured that you’re getting the best possible treatment at a cost that’s just right for you.

Our office is also equipped with the latest technology so you can be sure that your treatment is state-of-the-art. Some of them include a digital CT imaging system, intraoral camera, digital X-ray, 3D imaging, laser dentistry, and modern oral cancer screening.

If you’re in need of any other dental service aside from Invisalign, we also offer all other dental services such as implants, crowns and bridges, surgery, cosmetic dental procedures, and more. You can also call us to schedule emergency appointments.

To get started on your Invisalign treatment or to inquire about our other services, please call us at (425) 307-1317 or schedule an appointment online. Our office is located at 8309 165th Ave NE Ste 101 Redmond, WA. We welcome patients of all ages, and we look forward to giving you the smile that you deserve!

Invisalign Cost in Redmond WA: What You Need to Know

If you are considering Invisalign as an option to straighten your teeth, you may be wondering about the Invisalign cost in Redmond WA, and other areas. First, it’s important to make sure that Invisalign is the best choice for them financially and in terms of their treatment goals.

Invisalign Cost in Redmond WA

In general, Invisalign ranges from about $3000 to $8000. However, the Invisalign cost in Redmond WA may be lower or higher depending on a few factors.

#1 – Level of Orthodontic Issue

The Invisalign cost in Redmond WA will be lower for patients with less severe orthodontic issues. In general, Invisalign is best for patients who have mild to moderate misalignment of their teeth. In some cases, Invisalign may be recommended for patients with more severe issues, but this would need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

If you have very severe misalignment of your teeth, Invisalign may not be the best option for you and alternative treatments such as traditional braces may be a better option instead. Your dentist or orthodontist will be able to assess your individual case and let you know whether Invisalign is likely to be a good option for you and what the Invisalign cost in Redmond WA would be based on your case.

#2 – Insurance Coverage

Invisalign treatment may be more affordable if your insurance plan offers coverage for it. Invisalign is considered an elective treatment, so it is not typically covered by insurance. However, some insurance plans will offer partial coverage for Invisalign or other orthodontic treatments.

It’s important to check with your insurance provider to see if Invisalign is covered under your plan and what the coverage limits are. This can help you budget for your Invisalign treatment and know what the out-of-pocket Invisalign cost in Redmond WA would be.

If you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t cover Invisalign, you can still consider getting a separate dental insurance plan that has Invisalign covered.

#3 – Invisalign Provider’s Payment Options

Some providers offer in-house financing which can make Invisalign more affordable. This type of financing allows you to make smaller monthly payments over the course of your Invisalign treatment.

Dental offices will typically have a variety of payment plans available, so it’s important to ask about this when you’re getting a quote for Invisalign. Some providers may also offer it at a zero percent down payment or low-interest rates.

#4 – Invisalign Provider

The Invisalign cost in Redmond WA can also vary depending on the Invisalign provider you choose. In general, Invisalign treatment is offered by orthodontists, but there are some dental offices that also offer Invisalign.

When considering Invisalign providers, it’s essential to look at their experience and training in Invisalign. In addition, you’ll want to make sure that they offer a payment plan that fits your budget.

Some family dentists can also offer special discounts which you might need to check out if they apply to you.

Best Invisalign Provider in Redmond, WA

Cost of Invisalign in Redmond

Sunrise Dental of Redmond is a certified Invisalign provider and is passionate about helping patients achieve beautiful, healthy smiles. He has helped many Redmond WA patients straighten their teeth with Invisalign and is committed to providing the best possible care.

Dr. Narang offers free Invisalign consultations to help patients learn more about Invisalign and what it can do for them. He also offers a variety of payment plans to make Invisalign more affordable.

We also partner with CareCredit which offers special financing and low monthly payment options, no up-front costs, and no-prepayment penalties so that Invisalign is affordable for everyone.

If you’re considering Invisalign, contact our office today to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Narang. He will be happy to answer any of your questions and help you decide if Invisalign is right for you!

Why Do You Need Dental Implants in Redmond?

What are dental implants in Redmond? They are a dental procedure that is used to replace missing teeth. If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be the right option for you.

Their roots are made of titanium and look like natural teeth. They are inserted into the jawbone and can be used to support a dental bridge or denture. Here at Sunrise Dental, we offer dental implants as an efficient way to replace missing teeth. If you are considering dental implants, here are some reasons why you may need them:

Dental Implants in Redmond

#1 – Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth.

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be the right option for you.

Dental implants are made of titanium and look like natural teeth. They are inserted into the jawbone and can be used to support a dental bridge or denture.

Instead of dentures, dental implants may look better in replacing missing teeth because they look like natural teeth. Dental implants also don’t require adhesives and are more stable than dentures.

#2 – Implants help keep your jawbone healthy and strong.

When you lose a tooth, the bone that supported that tooth starts to deteriorate. This is because there is no longer any stimulation to that area of the jawbone.

Dental implants help to keep your jawbone healthy and strong because they replace the root of the tooth. The implant is inserted into the jawbone and provides the stimulation that is needed to keep the bone healthy.

#3 – They look and feel natural, just like your other teeth.

Dental implants are made of titanium and look like natural teeth. They are inserted into the jawbone and can be used to support a dental bridge or denture.

Dental implants feel natural because they are securely anchored in your jawbone. They also don’t require adhesives and are more stable than dentures.

#4 – Implants are secure and durable— they can last for many years.

As mentioned, dental implants are made of titanium, which is a very strong and durable metal. Titanium is also used in other medical procedures, such as hip replacements.

Dental implants can last for many years with proper care. They are a great option for people who want a long-term solution for missing teeth.

#5 – They’re affordable and can be covered by insurance.

The cost of dental implants varies depending on the number of teeth that are being replaced and the type of dental implants used.

But in general, they are a good investment because they can last for many years. You can save a lot of time an effort in the long run by getting dental implants.

Some dental insurance plans cover dental implants. So, it’s worth checking with your dental insurance provider to see if they cover dental implants.

#6 – You don’t have to go through any pain or surgery to get them installed.

The dental implant procedure is a minimally invasive surgery. It’s a quick and easy procedure that can be done in our office.

You don’t have to go through any pain or surgery to get dental implants. And the procedure is quick and easy.

Dental Implants in Redmond

It’s not too late to save your smile and the ability to eat certain foods from the loss of teeth! Thanks to dental implants— which look and feel like natural teeth—you can once again enjoy all your favorite foods without worry.

The one thing you need to make sure of, now that you know why you need dental implants, is looking for the best dental clinic in Redmond to do it for you. And that dental clinic is Sunrise Dental!

Dr. Kunal Narang, and his friendly dental team, work diligently to provide superior dental care to every patient. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Dental Implants Dentist in Redmond

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be the right solution for you. Sunrise Dental of Redmond is a dental practice that specializes in dental implants and offers teeth-in-a-day procedures. We are proud to offer our patients the best dental implants available.

Our dentist, Dr. Kunal, is highly experienced and has helped many patients achieve their dream smile with dental implants. 

What are dental implants and what do they involve?

Dental Implant Dentist in Redmond

Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss and involve placing a titanium screw into the jawbone to act as a replacement for the missing tooth root. A dental implant is then placed on top of the screw, which acts as a new tooth. This procedure can be done in one day, hence the name teeth-in-a-day.

If you are considering dental implants, Redmond is the perfect place to get them. At Sunrise Dental of Redmond, we offer the best dental implants available. Our dentist, Dr. Kunal, is highly experienced in dental implants and can help you achieve your dream smile. 

What Services Do Dr. Kunal Provide at Dentist of Redmond?

Dr. Kunal is a Dental Implants Dentist in Redmond who offers a wide range of services to his patients.

  1. Family Dentistry:

First and Foremost we provide Family Dentistry. This means we serve everyone in the family from the youngest to the oldest. 

  1. Oral Surgery:

This is a dental procedure that is performed by Dr. Kunal to remove impacted teeth, wisdom teeth, and cysts. He also performs bone grafting which helps to prepare the mouth for dental implants and sinus lifts which raise the sinuses to make room for dental implants.

  1. Teeth Whitening:

This is a dental procedure that helps to remove stains and discoloration from teeth, making them appear brighter and whiter.

  1. Root Canals:

A root canal is a dental procedure that is performed to remove the infected pulp from the tooth. This helps to save the tooth and prevent it from needing to be extracted.

  1. Crowns and Bridge:

A dental crown is a dental procedure that is performed to cover a tooth that is damaged or decayed. A bridge is a dental procedure that helps to replace one or more missing teeth.

No matter what your dental needs are, we can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

We love our patients and work hard to provide the best dental care possible. We offer a variety of services such as dental implants, teeth whitening, Invisalign, and much more. You can also visit our office for emergency dental services.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

There are many benefits of dental implants, including:

Improved appearance: Dental implants look and feel like your natural teeth.

Increased comfort: Unlike dentures, dental implants are anchored in your mouth and will not slip or move. This can give you increased confidence when smiling, talking, and eating.

Improved speech: Dentures can sometimes slip, which can cause you to mumble or slur your words. Dental implants are securely anchored in your mouth and will not slip, giving you the confidence to speak clearly.

Enhanced dental hygiene: Since dental implants are similar to your natural teeth, you can brush and floss them just like your regular teeth. This can help to improve your overall dental hygiene.

Increased durability: Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. With proper care, they can last for many years.

Improved oral health: Unlike dentures, dental implants do not require special cleaning solutions or adhesives. They also help to preserve the bone in your jaw, which can help to improve your overall oral health.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of dental implants varies depending on the number of teeth being replaced and the type of dental implant used. However, dental implants are generally more expensive than other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges.

At Sunrise Dental of Redmond, we offer a variety of financing options to help make dental implants more affordable. We also accept most dental insurance plans. Contact us today to learn more about dental implant financing options.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. With proper care, dental implants can last for many years. However, the lifespan of dental implants may be affected by factors such as gum disease or clenching and grinding of teeth.

To help prolong the life of your dental implants, it is important to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. Contact us today to learn more about dental implants and how to care for them.


If you are in the market for dental implants, Redmond is home to some of the best dentist offices in the area. When looking for a qualified and experienced implant dentist, be sure to ask about their credentials and experience with dental implants. 

Also, don’t forget to ask about payment options – many dentists offer financing plans that can make getting dental implants more affordable. If you are considering dental implants, now is a great time to research your options and find the best dentist office for you. 

Redmond is a great place to get dental implants because our dentist, Dr. Kunal, is highly experienced in this procedure. He will work with you to make sure that your implants are placed properly and look natural. You can trust Sunrise Dental of Redmond to provide you with the best possible care for your teeth. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see if dental implants are right for you!

Dental Implant Options in Redmond

Dental implants are a popular option for those looking to replace missing teeth. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, a dental implant might be able to help. At Sunrise Dental in Redmond, Dr. Kunal and the staff can explain how implants work and the options for replacing lost or damaged teeth. This article will discuss the different types of dental implants and their benefits.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are metal posts or frames surgically placed into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, they allow your dentist to attach replacement teeth securely.

Implants are ideal for people who have lost teeth due to injury or disease. They can also be used to support a dental bridge or denture, and they look and feel like natural teeth.

Dental Implant options in Redmond and Kirkland WA
Dental Implant options in Redmond

Types of Dental Implants

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal Implants are the most common type of implants. They are typically made of titanium and are placed directly into the jawbone. Once in place, a small connector post is attached to the implant, which protrudes through the gum tissue. This type of implant supports a single tooth, a dental bridge, or a denture.


Sub-periosteal Implants

These implants are placed under the gum tissue but on or above the jawbone. They are typically used for people with shallow jawbones who can’t tolerate endosteal implants. Sub-periosteal implants are made of a metal framework that fits over the jawbone and protrudes through the gum tissue. This type of implant is used to support a dental prosthesis.


Zygomatic Implants

These types of dental implants are placed in the cheekbone, which is also known as the zygoma. They are typically used for people who have lost teeth due to injury or disease and can’t tolerate other types of implants.


Endosteal Implants

These types of dental implants are placed in the jawbone. They are the most common type of dental implant and can be used to support a single tooth, a bridge, or a denture.


Transosteal Implants

Transosteal implants are placed through the lower or upper jawbone and protrude through the other side of the jaw. They are typically used for people who have lost all of their teeth in one or both jaws.


Alloderm Grafts

An Alloderm graft is a piece of tissue taken from another part of your body and transplanted to your jawbone. It is used to build up the jawbone to support an implant.


Titanium Mesh

Titanium mesh is a dental implant placed under the gum tissue and held in place with screws. It is often used to support a denture or bridge.


Dental Implant Options in Redmond

What Implant Will Work Best For Me?

Your dentist or oral surgeon in Redmond will determine the type of implant best for you. They will consider factors such as the health of your jawbone, the number of teeth you need to replace, and your overall health.

If you are considering dental implants, talk to Best dental implant dentist in Redmond about your options. They can help you decide which type of implant is best for you.


Can You Get Teeth In A Day In Redmond?

Yes, you can get teeth in a day in Redmond. This is an excellent option for people who need to replace their teeth. It is also an option for people who have healthy gums and enough bone to support the implants.


What Is The Procedure Of Dental Implants?

The first step is to consult with the Best dental implants dentist in Redmond. They will evaluate your mouth and take X-rays to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. If you are, they will develop a treatment plan. The next step is to have the implant placed in your jawbone. Once the implant has healed, you will need to return to have the artificial tooth placed on top of the implant.


What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants?

There are many benefits of dental implants. They can help you eat and speak better. They can also improve your appearance and give you back your confidence. Dental implants are also solid and durable. They can last a lifetime with proper care.


What To Keep In Mind Before Getting Dental Implants

Before getting dental implants, you should ensure that you are in good oral health. You should also have enough bone in your jaw to support the implant. If you do not, you may need a bone graft. It would help if you also quit smoking before getting dental implants because it can decrease the procedure’s success rate.


Schedule a Dental Implants Consultation

Dental implants are a great way to improve oral health and appearance. If you are considering dental implant options in Redmond, make sure to consult with a qualified dentist to see if they are right for you. Dr. Kunal and the staff at Sunrise Dental at Redmond can help you understand all of your options to get the best dental implants for your needs. Click here to Schedule an appointment today or call 425-629-0639.