What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants

Are you missing a tooth and trying to decide how to replace it? While you have various options, dental implants in Redmond WA, stand out.

Go over the top advantages of dental implants.

Then, you can schedule a consultation to find out if they’re right for you.

Prevent Bone Loss With Dental Implants Near Bellevue, WA

The roots of your teeth stimulate your jawbones, preventing loss. If you replace a tooth with a bridge or dentures, you could suffer bone loss. Bone loss can affect your remaining teeth, so you could also develop a severe alignment issue.

You can avoid this problem by getting dental implants near Bellevue, WA. The implants fuse with your jawbone, taking the place of the roots. Then, the implant stimulates the jawbone. Thus, you don’t have to worry about bone loss when you get implants.

Maintain Your Youthful Appearance with Implants

Bone loss will also cause your face to sag, so you’ll look older than the age on your driver’s license. The accelerated aging process can create wrinkles, a more pronounced chin, and thinning lips as well.

Fortunately, an implant dentist can help you maintain your youthful appearance. Once your implant is in place, you’ll age naturally, without worrying about sagging features.

Restore Your Bite by Getting This Restoration

Have you ever watched someone with dentures or a missing tooth trying to eat? It’s easy to see that the lack of a real tooth reduces bite force. Thus, many people have to forgo eating their favorite foods.

Fortunately, dental implants will get your bite back to normal. You’ll enjoy the same bite force you had before losing the tooth, so you can dig into steak and other food with ease.

Speak With Ease With Dental Implants Near Bellevue, WA

As hard as it is to eat with a missing tooth or dentures, speaking is more of a challenge. If you don’t replace the tooth, you could develop a lisp or whistle when speaking. On the other hand, you might stumble over words with dentures when they slip.

Because dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, speaking is a breeze. You won’t have to worry about stumbling over your words when you have an implant anchored in place.

Enjoy the Look and Feel of Natural Teeth

Your dentist will customize your implants to match your natural teeth. Once your implant and crown are in place, people won’t even realize that you lost a tooth. It will match in size and color and even perform the same as a real tooth. If you don’t want everyone to know about your dental work, implants are the way to go.

Additionally, your implant will feel natural. In fact, it’s the closest thing to your natural teeth, according to the American Dental Association.

Benefit From a High Success Rate With This Restoration

Implants have a high success rate. In fact, many studies find that implants are 95 percent successful. Additionally, implant failure typically occurs due to a poor technique or improper care. Choosing a top-rated dentist will ensure that your implants are properly placed. Then your dentist will discuss caring for your implants, so they last.

Don’t Worry About Cavities With Implants

Did you know that dental implants don’t decay? The posts are made of titanium, so you don’t have to worry about bacteria eating away at the implant. However, you do need to brush your new tooth just as you do your natural teeth. Still, you won’t have to worry about cavities destroying your implant and forcing you to replace it.

Enjoy a High Level of Comfort With This Procedure

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. Thus, they are more comfortable than other options, such as dentures. You don’t have to worry about your implants slipping and sliding, so you won’t develop sores and other issues. This is a great reason to get dental implants near Bellevue, Washington.

Maintain a Full Mouth of Healthy, Gorgeous Teeth

If you get a bridge to replace your missing tooth, your dentist will have to prepare the teeth next to it. That includes putting crowns on the adjacent teeth. In other words, you’ll end up impacting your healthy teeth to replace a single tooth.

The same isn’t true with implants. The implant is anchored like a root, so you don’t have to use natural teeth to support it. If you don’t want to end up with a ton of dental work, it makes sense to go with implants.

Enjoy the Long-Lasting Durability of Implants

You don’t want to spend the rest of your life dealing with a missing tooth. That means you prefer something that’s low maintenance. If you choose dentures, you will have to replace them every few years. Fortunately, that’s not the case with implants.

The implant screw is designed to last a lifetime. Additionally, the crown that sits on top of the screw can last for 15 years or longer with proper care.

Care for Your Implants Just Like Your Natural Teeth

You’ll care for your dental implants the same way you do your natural teeth. That means you just need to brush, floss, and schedule regular cleanings to maintain a bright and healthy smile. This is so much easier than messing with denture cleaning solutions.

Avoid Gum Disease With Dental Implants Near Bellevue, WA

A gap where a missing tooth used to be is more than unsightly. It’s also an attractive spot for food and bacteria. You can expect remnants of your meals to get trapped in the gap, which can lead to gum disease.

Gum disease can be quite serious and lead to additional tooth loss. Fortunately, an implant will fill the gap that your missing tooth left behind. Then, you will reduce your risk for gum disease, so you won’t have to worry about losing additional teeth.

Schedule a Consultation for Dental Implants Near Bellevue, WA

If you’re missing a tooth, Sunrise Dental of Redmond can help. Schedule a dental implant consultation to find out if this is the right option for you. Then, we can begin treatment.

First, call (425) 629-0639 to make your appointment. Then, we can begin devising your treatment strategy so you’ll have a full smile once again.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

Do you have a dental problem, but you aren’t sure if it’s an emergency? First, find out what is considered a dental emergency. Then, if it is an emergency, seek immediate care from a dentist near Kirkland, WA. Emergencies can be dangerous, so don’t hesitate to go to the dentist for treatment.


Dental Emergencies in Kirkland, WA

Loose Teeth

Permanent teeth should be firmly in place. If your tooth is loose, you have an emergency that requires immediate care.

Often, teeth become loose due to an injury. The force of the injury knocks the teeth loose and can cause additional damage to the nerves and jaw. Unfortunately, this problem can get much worse without proper treatment.

Additionally, you can get a loose tooth due to an infection. This is often accompanied by a toothache, although that’s not always the case. Again, this problem can get much worse without immediate treatment.

Your Kirkland, WA, emergency dentist will evaluate the problem and work to preserve the tooth. Time is of the essence when dealing with a loose tooth, so don’t delay seeking treatment.

Lost Tooth

It takes quite a bit of force to knock out a permanent tooth, but it does happen. With quick action, your dentist can likely replant the tooth, so you won’t need to get an implant and crown. Also, fast action can prevent an infection from developing in the socket.

First, you need to retrieve your tooth by picking it up by the crown. Then, rinse it in warm water, but don’t scrub it. Put it back in the socket if you can, but if not, put it in some milk. Then, head directly to the emergency dentist.


Have you noticed swelling on your gums and face? This is often a sign of an infection. Unfortunately, infections can be life-threatening without treatment. You should rush to the emergency dentist for an evaluation and treatment before the infection spreads.

Severe Pain

You’re likely to suffer a toothache at some point in your life. Often, the pain is manageable, and you can wait until the next available appointment. However, treat severe pain as a dental emergency. An infection might have made its way to the tooth’s root, so it’s important to take quick action.


If your tooth has a small chip or crack in it, contact your dentist to schedule an appointment during regular office hours. However, severe fractures require immediate treatment. You could have additional damage. Also, a piece of fractured tooth might injure your gums. With quick treatment, you can avoid additional damage. Plus, the dentist can likely save the tooth.

Foreign Object

If you have something stuck between your teeth, use dental floss to remove it. However, if you cannot free the food or other object, contact an emergency dentist.

Your teeth might shift out of place if the object remains between your teeth. Also, it can irritate your gums and cause an infection. Plus, you might injure yourself if you continue to try to remove it. Your dentist has special tools to assist in removing the object, so he or she can free it without causing additional damage.

Broken Crown

If you have a chipped crown and aren’t experiencing pain, you can see the dentist during normal business hours. However, if your crown has a large chip or fracture or comes out completely, you should contact the emergency dentist. The dentist will either give you at-home treatment options to use before your appointment or have you come in right away. Your course of action depends on your symptoms and the severity of the break.

Before calling the dentist, examine the crown to see if it’s a chip or if pieces are missing. Also, apply gauze to the affected area if you are bleeding. Then, you’ll be ready to contact the dentist.

Numb Teeth

Did you have a toothache, but now, you don’t feel anything? This could be a sign of an infection that’s traveled to the root. You need to stop the infection from spreading any further, so treat this as an emergency. The dentist can treat the infection so it doesn’t continue to spread.


You might experience some bleeding when you floss your teeth. This is a sign that you need to floss more. Also, you should tell your dentist at your next appointment.

However, if your gums bleed without any pressure or force, it’s a dental emergency. This could be due to gum disease, an abscess, or cavities. Your dentist needs to evaluate your condition and provide treatment. If you delay, the problem could intensify. Use gauze to stop the bleeding if necessary and then go to the dentist.

For Severe Issues Call 911 or Visit a Kirkland Emergency Dentist

What is considered a Dental Emergency?

If you experience uncontrolled bleeding or have an infection or injury that makes it hard to breathe, do not delay seeking treatment. These issues are potentially life-threatening, according to the American Dental Association. If you cannot reach your dentist, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.

Schedule an Appointment With Our Emergency Dentist Today

If you think you have a dental emergency, contact Sunrise Dental of Redmond at (425) 629-0639. Our Redmond, WA, dental practice takes dental emergencies seriously and will ensure you receive the care you need. In addition, we offer family dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, restorative services, and oral surgery.

If you need to see the dentist but don’t have an emergency, you can schedule an appointment online. You’ll choose the type of appointment you want and reserve your spot. With regular dental appointments, you are less likely to experience an emergency.

How Do I Find the Best Dentist for Me in Redmond WA?

The first step in your search to find the best dentist for you in Redmond, WA, is to determine your needs and expectations. Finding a suitable dentist for your entire family makes dental care easier for everyone. You will feel more comfortable in the office and your children will be less anxious about visits to the dentist.

Refining Your List — What to Look for in a Dentist

Location, location, location! Finding a dentist with a convenient office location is a must. Ideally, a short drive is better than a long drive.

Affordability and acceptance of dental insurance plans should fall on your list too. Because dental care can be expensive, you want a doctor more concerned with your teeth than your wallet.

Variety of services available. Although some dentists concentrate on drill and fill to move patients through quickly, that isn’t optimal for most patients. A dentist that offers a wider variety of dental services means fewer referrals to other doctors. If you need a more extensive procedure, you will be more comfortable in your regular dental office.

Although your list may look quite different, here are some additional things to consider when looking for a dentist:

  1. Get referrals — talk to your friends and neighbors
  2. Research the dentist’s background, education, and experience
  3. Read patient reviews
  4. Understand what your insurance coverage will pay for
  5. Responsiveness to patient questions and concerns

Ultimately, you want a family dentist that creates a relaxed and warm environment. Our final suggestion here is that you should find a dentist that is equally comfortable talking to a two-year-old as they are to an adult. A family dentist should relate well to everyone in the family, from youngest to oldest.

Comfort and Convenience Should Not Be Forgotten

Compassionate doctor and staff. Dentists are frequently, and unfortunately, associated with pain. Finding a doctor that understands dental anxiety and provides a relaxing environment is always a plus. Staff that shows concern for your mental as well as your dental health can be priceless.

In the greater Seattle area, Sunrise Dental of Redmond wants to be your family dentist. Dr. Kunal Narang is a skilled dentist and endodontist. The highly-trained staff strives to make every visit comfortable and pleasant. They understand dental anxiety and do everything possible to ensure 100 percent satisfaction for all patients.

Dr. Kunal focuses on patient comfort, striving to educate and motivate patients in both their oral and overall health. His experience as an endodontist means that he is well-versed in saving teeth. Rather than pulling or extracting teeth when they develop problems, he will do everything possible to help patients maintain their natural teeth.

The Best Dentist for You in Redmond WA

The wide array of services offered at Sunrise Dental of Redmond means fewer outside referrals for you and your family. If you are ready to make your first appointment, simply fill out the information in our secure Online Scheduling Widget. You can access and complete New Patient Forms online too, which shortens check-in time when you arrive at the office.

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Root Canal Treatment Redmond WA

If you have been told that you need a Root Canal Treatment Redmond WA, Dr. Kunal Narang of Sunrise Dental in Redmond has solutions for you. But first, you probably have a dozen questions about what a root canal is and how it is done.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

It is a procedure that removes bacteria from an infected root canal, fills and seals the tooth against further infection, and preserves the natural tooth. The main goal of an endodontist is to save natural teeth whenever possible.

When is Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

There are many reasons why your dentist may recommend root canal treatment. The first sign of possible trouble is sensitive teeth, particularly to hot and cold. Tooth damage may be the result of a cracked tooth, issues stemming from a previous filling, or a deep cavity.

Root Canal Treatment Redmond WA
Root Canal Treatment Redmond WA

As with most dental problems, there are symptoms that may be present if you need treatment:

  • Formation of pimples on gum tissue
  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold (or both)
  • Severe pain while biting or chewing
  • Deep decay or a darkened area on the gums
  • Swollen or tender gum tissue

Dental problems don’t just “go away” with a few salt-water rinses. If you are experiencing any discomfort in your mouth, please seek out appropriate dental care.

What Happens With a Root Canal Treatment?

Although root canals are a fairly complex procedure, Dr. Kunal has more than a decade of experience in this area. With a goal of minimizing pain and maintaining patient comfort, he works hard to keep patients at ease during treatment.

The first thing that happens is local anesthesia. This numbs the area around the tooth to reduce pain during the procedure. While very similar to a standard filling or tooth extraction, patients may be a bit sore afterward, with minor discomfort over a couple of days.

The procedure involves removing the pulp from the inside of the tooth to clear out infection and bacteria. After that, the tooth is sealed against further infection. A root canal treatment is very similar to having a tooth filled, although it sometimes requires more than one appointment.

Contact Sunrise Dental of Redmond for Root Canal Treatment

If you think you may need a root canal treatment, please contact us at Sunrise Dental of Redmond. Dr. Kunal will perform an examination and make a determination about the condition of your tooth or teeth. As an endodontist, Dr. Kunal will make every effort to repair and restore your natural teeth.

To schedule an appointment for Root Canal Treatment Redmond WA, please use our handy Appointment Widget. Just follow the prompts, then submit your request. Alternately, you may call our office at 425-629-0639 or use the Contact Form if you have questions and our staff will contact you.

We’re also on Facebook and Instagram. Stop by and follow our pages for news and updates.

Dentist in Kirkland WA

Having a toothache is no fun. That’s why having a regular dentist in Kirkland, WA is important for your entire family. From your child’s first tooth to the senior years, regular dental appointments can protect your teeth. Having a healthy mouth leads to better physical health. Sunrise Dental of Redmond is ready to help your entire family stay healthy and provide for all your dental needs.

The Qualities of a Dentist Are Important

When searching for a great dentist, the office and staff are important, but people always start by checking out the doctor. At Sunrise Dental of Redmond, Dr. Kunal Narang has a lot to offer.

In addition to completing the requirements as a dentist, he continued his education in the specialty of Endodontics. That big word means that he specializes in cosmetic and implant dentistry techniques. He is concerned about keeping your teeth and gums healthy but is also an expert at making your smile look great. For Dr. Kunal, his efforts are applied toward saving your teeth. Rather than just extracting a tooth, he will make every effort to repair your teeth.

The chairside manner of a doctor is a huge draw. If you’ve ever been to a gruff dentist, you know exactly what that means. With his primary focus on educating and motivating his patients, Dr. Kunal is comfortable with all ages. He will treat a child in a relaxed manner, creating a sense of ease and helping young patients relax.

Everyone seems to hate dentists. Much of the reasoning behind that stigma is that we normally only visit dentists when we are already in pain. Striving to create a comfortable and warm environment is a priority at Sunrise Dental. The entire staff works daily to maintain an office that helps to keep patients at ease. That also means making sure that patients understand the importance of regular cleanings and checkups. The goal is for a dental patient to never suffer an emergency brought on by dental pain.

With the goals of Dr. Kunal and the dedication of his staff, Sunrise Dental is able to provide many services.

Sunrise Dental Offers a Wide Array of Services

Some dentists provide only basic services, but due to Dr. Kunal’s extensive training and experience in Endodontics, Sunrise Dental of Redmond is able to provide more. Among the services they offer:

In addition to services, patients considering a new dentist should check out the technology employed by the office. At Sunrise Dental, you will find top-of-the-line equipment. This ensures that Dr. Kunal can use new procedures and advances in dentistry. Among the technology employed at Sunrise Dental:

  • Digital CT imaging system
  • An intraoral camera
  • Digital impressions (No goopy trays and gagging)
  • Digital X-rays
  • Laser therapy
  • VELscope oral cancer screening system

By supplying the office with the latest technology, Dr. Kunal can provide the best dental care to all patients.

The Best Dentist in Kirkland, WA

When you are searching for the best dentist in Kirkland, WA, you will find all you need and more at Sunrise Dental of Redmond. Dr. Kunal has many years of experience and continually strives to increase his knowledge. Finding a dentist that is comfortable with every person from toddlers to seniors is truly unique and Dr. Kunal is that dentist.

Scheduling an appointment is simple using the Online Appointment Widget. Sunrise welcomes new patients and existing patients, with or without dental insurance. If you are having a dental emergency and in pain, please call the office at 425-629-0639  to speak directly with our scheduling coordinator.

Find us on Facebook and Instagram for news, information, and updates on new services.

Dentist Bellevue WA

If you need a family dentist in Bellevue, WA, look no further than nearby Sunrise Dental of Redmond. A short drive of eight miles takes you to the highest-rated dentist in the area. Dr. Kunal Narang has practiced in the greater Seattle area for over a decade. The entire team at Sunrise is friendly and eager to provide premium dental care to your entire family.

Family Dentist for Bellevue, WA

Sunrise Dental of Redmond is a local dental price that strives to maintain a comfortable and welcoming office environment. Whether you are a parent with children, teens, or adults needing care, Sunrise will treat you right.

Dr. Kunal understands that children have different dental care needs than adults. He is comfortable treating young children just developing their primary (baby) teeth. Finding a good dentist that will grow with them ensures that your children will maintain good oral health. Older children and teens get busy, but their smiles and oral health are just as important. As they lose the primary teeth and their permanent (adult) teeth erupt, Dr. Kunal will continue to monitor their growth and development.

Sunrise Dental of Redmond can supply all the dental services that your family needs. The true worth of a dentist who is as comfortable with a two-year-old as he is with adults is priceless. As an experienced endodontist, Dr. Kunal and his entire highly-trained team will provide treatment that always goes the extra mile.

Introducing Our Family Services

Family services at Sunrise Dental are even better with recent technology. Dr. Kunal has spared no expense in upgrading systems in the office to maintain the latest equipment. This helps with patient services in many aspects from comfort to ease of treatment and speed of processing data. This equipment is used in every aspect of our practice, which includes:

In addition to routine dental care, Dr. Kunal’s special training as an endodontist makes Sunrise Dental a great choice for cosmetic dental needs. Dental implants and teeth whitening are just a couple of the cosmetic procedures available.

For the best family care in the Seattle area, Sunrise Dental of Redmond is here for you.

Make Your Appointment Soon

Scheduling an appointment with Sunrise Dental of Redmond is easy with our online Appointment Widget. Just follow the online prompts. You can also call our office at 425-629-0639 and speak with our appointment coordinator. After your appointment is set, it’s just a brief drive to your dentist from Bellevue, WA to our office! Our entire staff is looking forward to meeting you or seeing you again.

Be sure to like our pages on social media to stay current on new stuff!


Our dental blog is also full of information about dental procedures, news, and information about dental care!

Cosmetic and Family Dentistry Redmond WA

Sunrise Dental of Redmond is prepared to be your go-to source when you’re looking for Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Redmond, WA. As an internationally-trained implant and cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kunal Narang, DDS is among the best in the greater Seattle area. Beginning with your first appointment, you’ll notice a difference at Sunrise Dental! We are a COVID-19-safe workplace with special protocols are in place to keep you safe!

Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Redmond, WA

Family dentistry is a broad field that encompasses everything from routine cleanings and screenings to fillings and more. The concept of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the aesthetic of patients’ smiles which can be accomplished in a number of ways.

Almost everyone is familiar with the concept of “family dentistry.” It simply means that a dental practice caters to both young and old patients at all phases of their lives. Finding a dentist that is as comfortable with a 2-year-old as he is with a senior citizen can be priceless. For your family, it means that all their dental care can happen in one location.

Cosmetic dentistry might seem a bit more complicated, but it boils down to “working with what you have” and making it better. Sometimes that might include tooth whitening and other times it may mean a root canal. It is Dr. Kunal’s belief that a patient’s teeth should remain in their mouth. With that principle, patients can be sure that they will take every possible step to save a tooth.

While many dentists might opt to extract a decayed tooth, Dr. Kunal will take steps to save that same tooth. With a background in the highly specialized field of endodontics, he has over a decade of experience in many facets of cosmetic dentistry.

Sunrise Dental of Redmond Offers More

One of the primary focus areas for the entire staff at Sunrise Dental is patient comfort and focusing on patient education. With his background in cosmetic, general, and implant dentistry, Dr. Kunal and Sunrise Dental offer a wide variety of dental services. Among the specific services offered at Sunrise Dental are:


With a well-tuned and highly trained staff, Sunrise Dental of Redmond really does offer more. Due to the ever-changing and improving field of dentistry, Dr. Kunal and the entire staff work on continuing their education. This allows them to stay up-to-date on new procedures and technological advances within the field.

Dental Care for the Whole Family

By maintaining our tools (teeth), we increase the overall efficiency of the entire body. If you are ready to embark on a journey with Sunrise Dental make your first appointment today!

Please use our appointment widget which makes scheduling easy. If you have general questions, please feel free to use the chat feature in the lower corner of our site. A live chat coordinator will be happy to assist you. Our staff is always eager to assist patients also. Please don’t hesitate to call our office at (425) 307-5475.

To discover more information about Sunrise Dental, please look us up on Instagram and Facebook.

Redmond Dentist near Me

When you search for “Redmond dentist near me,” one of the first results should be Sunrise Dental of Redmond. There are many great reasons for that. The glue that holds our office together is Dr. Kunal Narang and our highly-trained, friendly staff. But there is more to this story.

Sunrise Dental of Redmond Is Here for You

Being a great dental practice is more than hanging out a sign and making a proclamation. Supporting the claim is vital. At Sunrise Dental of Redmond, we support our claim by offering a wide variety of services and complete dental care. Some of the services we offer include:

Another advantage that we have at Sunrise Dental of Redmond is that we have spared no expense in the technology department. Better technology leads to easier and better dental care. By keeping our equipment up-to-date and using all the newest gear, we can provide a more streamlined experience for your entire family. Among the equipment we use to provide great dental service are:

  • Digital CT imaging system (including an intraoral camera and digital impressions)
  • i-CAT Cone Beam 3D Dental Imaging System
  • Digital X-rays
  • Laser dentistry
  • VELscope oral cancer screening system

Although having all the gadgets helps us help you, all the equipment on the planet would mean nothing without our staff!

Meet Dr. Kunal

Dr. Kunal Narang, DDS is the backbone of Sunrise Dental of Redmond. Serving patients in the greater-Seattle area, he is an internationally-trained endodontist. That’s a fancy word that means he is a Cosmetic and Implant dentist. It also means that above and beyond regular dental schooling, he has advanced training in his specialty field.

While striving to motivate and educate patients about oral care while focusing on patient comfort. As an expert in saving teeth, Dr. Kunal understands that your teeth are important to your overall health. He will make every attempt to save your natural teeth, but he is also awesome with implant dentistry!

With more than ten years of experience in general dentistry, including cosmetic, implant, and emergency services, Dr. Kunal is respected by his peers. From routine procedures to complex surgeries, he is well-versed in many areas. To advance his education, he participates in training to stay up-to-date on new and improved procedures. He actively contributes to study clubs for Prosthodontists and Periodontists.

Aside from his expertise in dentistry, Dr. Kunal is also a member of your community. He married his college love, Dr. Megha Anand, who is an orthodontist practicing in the Newcastle/Bellevue area. They are concentrating on raising a growing family and both enjoy travel in their off-time.

Sunrise Dental — Best Redmond Dentist

Whether you need a routine cleaning or a specialized procedure, Dr. Kunal and the entire staff at Sunrise Dental of Redmond is here for you. Providing high-quality, premium care from minor to complex dental procedures is their specialty. Finding a Redmond dentist with more than a decade of experience is the icing on the cake.

To set up an appointment, click on “Make an Appointment” and follow the prompts in our secure appointment setting widget. You can submit general questions or request a call-back using our Contact Form. We can also be reached via telephone at 425-225-3573. We look forward to hearing from you.

For general information, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram, or check our dental blog for more articles like this about who we are and what we do.

Dentist Near Me — Redmond WA

When you search for a “dentist near me” and live in the Redmond, WA area, the clear choice should be Sunrise Dental of Redmond. Offering a full range of dental services and emergency dental care, Dr. Kunal Narang is an internationally-trained endodontist. With his specialized training, he can provide more than a conventional dentist.

Finding a Dentist near Me in Redmond, WA

When deciding on a dentist, patients should consider the qualifications and capabilities of a dentist. Due to his specialization in endodontics, Dr. Narang and Sunrise Dental of Redmond can offer more. The extensive training (more than two years worth) completed by Dr. Narang and more than a decade of experience makes him an industry leader.

So what is the difference between a regular dentist and an endodontist? Only 3 percent of all dentists have completed the training to qualify as an endodontist. Endodontics focuses on diagnosing tooth pain. They perform procedures that relate to the internal structure of the tooth, which includes root canals. While a regular dentist may extract a diseased tooth, Dr. Narang will make every effort to save the tooth and develop a strategy to keep it healthy.

Whether you need a routine dental cleaning or a complicated procedure, Dr. Narang and the Sunrise Dental staff can help you out. Root canals, dental implants, surgical extractions, and cosmetic dentistry are no problem at Sunrise Dental. If you are looking for a family dentist with the ability to service a wide array of dental procedures, Sunrise Dental is here for you.

Why Sunrise Dental of Redmond Should Be Your Choice

Sunrise Dental of Redmond provides family dental services for the greater Seatle area out of their Redmond, WA office. From your youngest family member to the oldest, Sunrise will handle all your dental needs. With the increased endodontics capabilities, you won’t receive referrals to a specialist for many procedures.

An example of the many services available at Sunrise Dental of Redmond:

Children don’t typically begin to lose their primary (baby) teeth until they are 6 or 7 years old. However, we recommend that they start seeing a dentist for regular check-ups as soon as they have a couple of teeth. Early treatment with young children helps them get comfortable in the dental office setting. Dr. Narang will monitor their tooth growth to ensure better dental health as they grow.

Call to Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you are interested in becoming a patient at Sunrise Dental of Redmond, please submit an appointment request via our online contact form or by using the appointment widget to get started. Alternately, you can call our office at (425) 629-0639. For questions, please use the chat feature on our website’s lower-right corner to live chat with one of our staff.

Sunrise Dental follows a COVID-19 policy that is in place to ensure your safety during these uncertain times.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date, learn fun facts, and be the first to hear news about Sunrise Dental of Redmond.