Dental Crowns and Bridges: Restoring Function and Aesthetics

dental crowns and bridges

Dental Crowns and Bridges: Restoring Function and Aesthetics

A beautiful smile is often considered a reflection of confidence and vitality. However, dental issues such as decay, trauma, or missing teeth can significantly impact both the function and aesthetics of one’s smile. For those patients seeking a comprehensive solution to restore their oral health and regain their radiant smiles, dental crowns and bridges in Redmond WA offer a transformative answer. Explore how these remarkable restorations can not only rejuvenate your smile but also provide the crucial balance between functionality and aesthetics.

What are Dental Crowns and Bridges?

Dental crowns and bridges are innovative treatments that address a variety of dental concerns, ranging from damaged or weak teeth to the replacement of missing teeth. These restorations go beyond mere cosmetic enhancements; they play a vital role in restoring the functionality of the mouth, allowing patients to bite, chew, and speak with ease. By combining the principles of both science and artistry, dental crowns and bridges offer a comprehensive solution that ensures both the natural appearance of teeth and their optimal function.

Understanding Dental Crowns

dental crowns and bridgesdental crowns and bridgesDental crowns are custom-made dental restorations that serve as protective caps, covering damaged or weakened teeth. They restore the strength, function, and appearance of the affected tooth. A dental crown essentially encapsulates the entire visible portion of a tooth above the gum line, providing support, protection, and an aesthetically pleasing outcome.

When it comes to dental crowns, there are various types available, each with its own unique characteristics and suitability for different dental situations. Let’s explore these types in detail:

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns use a high-quality dental ceramic material, which closely resembles the natural color and translucency of tooth enamel. These crowns are highly popular for their exceptional aesthetic appeal, as they can precisely match the color and shape of surrounding teeth. Ceramic crowns are an ideal choice for individuals looking to restore the front teeth or those with a preference for a natural-looking result.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are a popular option due to their combined strength and aesthetics. These crowns feature a metal base, typically made of an alloy, which provides durability and stability. A layer of porcelain is then fused over the metal base to mimic the appearance of natural teeth. PFM crowns offer a balance between durability and a pleasing cosmetic result, making them suitable for both front and back teeth.

Metal Crowns

Metal crowns, such as those made from gold or silver alloy, are known for their exceptional strength and longevity. These crowns are highly resistant to wear and fracture, making them an excellent choice for molars and teeth that endure substantial biting forces. While metal crowns may not provide a natural tooth color, they are great for their durability and ability to withstand the demands of the posterior teeth.

Each type of dental crown has its own set of advantages and considerations, and the choice depends on factors such as the location of the tooth, the patient’s aesthetic preferences, and specific dental needs. It is essential to consult with a dentist in Redmond who can assess your oral health and guide you in selecting the most suitable crown type for your individual situation.

Indications for Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are suitable in various situations, including:

  • Teeth with extensive decay that cannot be restored with a filling.
  • Fractured or cracked teeth that need reinforcement and protection.
  • Teeth weakened by root canal treatment, requiring additional support.
  • Teeth with large fillings that have weakened the remaining tooth structure.
  • Teeth that are misshapen, severely discolored, or have cosmetic concerns.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

  • Strengthening and protecting weakened or damaged teeth.
  • Restoring the functionality of the tooth, enabling proper chewing and biting.
  • Improving the appearance of the tooth, enhancing the overall smile aesthetics.
  • Preventing further damage or decay by providing a durable and protective layer.
  • Supporting dental bridges or covering dental implants to replace missing teeth.

Overview of the Dental Crown Placement Process

The dental crown placement process generally involves the following steps:

  • Initial consultation and examination: The dentist assess the tooth and discusses the treatment plan.
  • Tooth preparation: Your dentist prepares the tooth and removes decay or old filling material, reshaping it to accommodate the crown.
  • Impressions: They will take precise impressions of the tooth to create a custom-made crown that fits accurately.
  • Temporary crown: Your dentist will place a temporary crown on the tooth while the permanent crown is being fabricated.
  • Custom fabrication: The dental laboratory fabricates the permanent crown based on the impressions.
  • Fitting and adjustments: Your dentist removes the temporary crown, and they will fit and adjust the permanent crown for proper bite and aesthetics.
  • Final placement: Once the fit and appearance are satisfactory, the permanent crown is bonded securely onto the tooth using dental cement.

The process may vary slightly depending on the specific case and the type of crown being used. It is essential to follow proper oral hygiene practices and attend regular dental check-ups to maintain the longevity and optimal function of dental crowns.

Understanding Dental Bridges

dental crowns and bridges

Dental bridges are a popular restorative option that bridge the gap due to one or more missing teeth. These fixed dental appliances consist of artificial teeth (pontics) that are anchored in place by dental crowns placed on the adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. By closing the space left by missing teeth, dental bridges provide numerous benefits and help restore both functionality and aesthetics.

Bridges not only fill the gaps in the smile but also help restore the proper alignment of teeth, prevent shifting, and maintain the natural bite. They play a crucial role in improving chewing ability, speech, and overall oral health. Below are some of the types of dental bridges:


Traditional bridges consist of artificial teeth (pontics) held in place by dental crowns that are cemented onto the adjacent teeth. These adjacent teeth, called abutment teeth, provide the support for the bridge.


Cantilever bridges are similar to traditional bridges but are used when there is only one adjacent tooth available for support. The pontic is attached to a dental crown, which is then bonded to the single adjacent tooth.

Maryland Bridges

Maryland bridges, also known as resin-bonded bridges, use a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the back of the adjacent teeth. This type of bridge is suitable when the adjacent teeth are strong and healthy, requiring minimal preparation.

Indications for Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are recommended in situations where one or more teeth are missing. They are suitable for individuals who have healthy adjacent teeth or dental implants that can provide support for the bridge. Dental bridges help restore the functionality of chewing, improve speech, and prevent the shifting of surrounding teeth.

Benefits of Dental Bridges:

  • Dental bridges offer several advantages, including:
  • Restoring the ability to bite and chew properly
  • Enhancing speech and pronunciation
  • Maintaining the natural shape and alignment of the face
  • Distributing the forces evenly when biting, preventing excess strain on other teeth
  • Improving the aesthetics of the smile, boosting confidence and self-esteem

Overview of the Dental Bridge Placement Process

Similar to dental crowns, the placement process for dental bridges typically involves several steps, including a comprehensive dental examination, tooth preparation of the abutment teeth (if required), taking impressions for the bridge fabrication, temporary bridge placement, and finally, the fitting and bonding of the permanent bridge.

By closing the gap left by missing teeth, dental bridges offer a reliable solution that restores not only the appearance of the smile but also the proper functioning of the mouth.

Consult Sunrise Dental in Redmond, WA Today

Are you ready to restore your smile with high-quality dental crowns and bridges? Look no further than Sunrise Dental of Redmond in WA! Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care and personalized treatment options. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your crown and bridge needs. Let us help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts. Contact Sunrise Dental of Redmond now and take the first step towards your dental restoration journey!

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Schedule your appointment with the Best Dentist in Redmond, WA – 
Dr. Kunal Narang
and the team at Sunrise Dental of Redmond today.