How Can I Prevent My Teeth From Falling Out During Pregnancy?

How Can I Prevent My Teeth From Falling Out During Pregnancy

How Can I Prevent My Teeth From Falling Out During Pregnancy?

Have you heard horror stories about tooth loss and pregnancy? If you’re currently carrying a child, that’s caused you to wonder, “How can I prevent my teeth from falling out during pregnancy?” Learn more about why it happens, how common it is, and what you can do to prevent it.

Why Do Women Have Tooth Loss During Pregnancy?

Women can develop tooth loss for numerous reasons while pregnant. First, the CDC estimates that up to 75 percent of pregnant women develop pregnancy gingivitis. Unfortunately, untreated gingivitis can cause decay and tooth loss.

Also, your body produces more estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy, weakening the ligaments and bones that keep your teeth in place. That means your teeth might eventually fall out if the problem isn’t addressed.

Additionally, you’ll have more acid in your mouth due to the body’s hormonal changes. The acid can erode and weaken your teeth, increasing the likelihood of decay. That, in turn, can cause you to lose your teeth.

With so many risk factors, it’s easy to see why tooth loss occurs during pregnancy. Fortunately, you can take steps to avoid this. But before finding out, “How can I prevent my teeth from falling out during pregnancy?” discover how common it is.

Is It Common for Teeth to Fall Out During Pregnancy?

Fortunately, numerous women go through pregnancy without losing teeth. However, people who already have gum disease before pregnancy or those who are prone to dental decay are at high risk for tooth loss.

The likelihood appears to increase with each pregnancy. The reason for this link isn’t clear yet. It’s possible that the damage accumulates even though pregnancy gingivitis and other problems go away after giving birth.

How Can I Prevent My Teeth From Falling Out During Pregnancy

Now, it’s time to find out how to keep your teeth from falling out while you’re pregnant. That means you need the answer to, “How can I take care of my teeth while pregnant?” First, you’ll need to keep your dental appointments.

Stick to Your Regular Dental Appointments

People generally need to go to the dentist every six months. That means you’ll have a regularly scheduled dental appointment during your pregnancy. Even if your teeth seem fine, you should keep that dental appointment. Your dentist can look for signs of pregnancy gingivitis and other issues that you might not have noticed yet.

Be sure to tell your dentist you’re pregnant during the appointment as well. The dentist can provide important answers to your question, “How can I prevent my teeth from falling out during pregnancy?”

Know the Signs of Pregnancy Gingivitis So You Can Manage It

When considering, “How can I prevent my teeth from falling out during pregnancy?” it’s important to consider the signs you have a dental problem.

Pregnancy gingivitis can occur at any time of the pregnancy, although it normally happens during the third trimester. You’ll notice signs such as red, swollen, and tender gums. Also, you could experience tooth decay, and your teeth might feel loose in your gums.

If you notice any of these signs, visit a Redmond, WA, dentist immediately. Your dentist might need to see you more often throughout the rest of your pregnancy to manage the gingivitis and prevent tooth loss. The dentist can treat you in the office and then send you home with tips to manage your gingivitis.

Brush and Floss Daily to Prevent Tooth Loss

When asking, “How can I prevent my teeth from falling out during pregnancy?” many will tell you to maintain your oral hygiene routine at home. Removing plaque and bacteria at home is necessary so you can keep your teeth in your mouth.

Brush at least two times daily with fluoride toothpaste, and floss once each day. Brushing and flossing with irritated gums can be challenging, so you might need to rinse with saltwater before cleaning your teeth. That will reduce irritation and inflammation, making it easier to keep your teeth clean.

You also might have some trouble brushing due to an increased gag reflex while pregnant. If you have that problem, switch to a toothbrush made for toddlers. These toothbrushes have smaller heads, so it’s easier to brush without gagging.

You can also try changing toothpaste. For instance, you might find that a different scent or taste doesn’t make you feel sick when brushing your teeth.

Finally, introduce some distractions when brushing your teeth. You can listen to music, watch a video, or even focus on your breathing. This will help you take your mind off it, reducing the risk of gagging.

Cut Down on Sugary Foods and Beverages While Pregnant

Because your teeth are more prone to decay when pregnant, it’s wise to reduce the amount of sugary foods and drinks you consume. That doesn’t mean you can’t ever have some sugar. However, keep it to a minimum to protect your teeth. Additionally, cutting down your sugar will help your baby receive the nutrients he or she needs to thrive in the womb.

Neutralize the Acid After Vomiting While Pregnant

Unfortunately, morning sickness might be a part of your pregnancy. The acid in your vomit can erode your teeth, causing decay and tooth loss. Brushing right after vomiting can also damage your enamel by grinding the acid into your teeth.

Thus, instead of brushing, you’ll need to rinse your teeth with water or a mixture of water and baking soda. That will neutralize the acid until you can brush your teeth. You can brush your teeth an hour after you vomit.

Schedule a Consultation to Ensure Your Teeth Are Healthy

It’s a good idea to get a dental checkup if you’re pregnant. Remember, that’s an important part of the answer to, “How can I prevent my teeth from falling out during pregnancy?”

Sunrise Dental of Redmond can tend to all your dental needs while pregnant and after giving birth. Call (425) 629-0639 or reserve an appointment online. Then, you can access the new patient paperwork online if you’d like to fill everything out before coming to our Redmond, Washington, office.

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